Busy ≠ Profitable: Let's fix that

Welcome to Creator's MBA, a weekly newsletter sharing actionable marketing advice to grow an online digital product business with ~12,000 readers every week. Was this sent to you? Subscribe here so you don't miss the next one.

Hi Reader,

There's a myth in the digital product world that success requires 24/7 hustle, a mile-long to-do list, and sacrificing your sanity at the altar of entrepreneurship. Well, guess what? Today I'm taking a wrecking ball to that misconception.

Get ready for a myth-busting edition of our newsletter that's all about working smarter, not harder. I'm going to dive into strategies that will have your sanity sending me thank you notes.

In this edition, we're tackling:

  • The 80/20 rule that will change your approach to growth (without the burnout)
  • A sneaky way to turn those dusty lead magnets into money-making machines
  • A super simple content template so effective you can post your mini article on Threads today
  • And a special invitation that might just be the game-changer to your digital product creation dreams

No all-nighters required for this one, I promise.

Let's go...


Picture this: It's a year from now. Your digital product business is thriving. Revenue has skyrocketed.

And the best part? You're working fewer hours than ever before. Sounds like a fantasy, right?

Well, buckle up, because in this week's episode of the Creators MBA Podcast, I'm sharing a principle that could turn this dream into your reality.

It's a simple yet powerful concept that's been hiding in plain sight, and it's about to change everything for your business.

Get ready to discover the 80/20 rule – the secret weapon of savvy entrepreneurs who've cracked the code to exponential growth without the burnout. Trust me, you don't want to miss this one.

Here's a sneak peek of what you'll learn:

  • The counterintuitive approach to product creation that could save you countless hours
  • How to identify the 20% of your efforts that are driving 80% of your results
  • A game-changing strategy to supercharge your marketing without spreading yourself thin
  • The surprising truth about customer management that could multiply your revenue
  • Practical tips to revolutionize your time management and achieve more by doing less

Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale your existing digital product business, this episode is packed with actionable strategies you can implement right away.

Tune in now and learn how to work smarter, not harder.

🎙️Listen in here: Website, YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify.

P.S. After you've listened, I'd love to hear your thoughts! What's one way you plan to apply the 80/20 rule in your business this week?

Hit reply and let me know – I read and respond to every response!


The ✨magic✨ of a digital course?

You create one asset… one time… and sell it to a steadily growing audience over and over again.

THIS ☝️is what Amy Porterfield is teaching in her upcoming Bootcamp, Course Confident.

See, coaches THRIVE with a digital course because it allows them to share their processes with WAY more people, while working with WAY fewer 1-1 clients.

→ But you don’t have to be a coach to make a living with a single digital course.

1-1 service providers – think accountants, marketers, organizers, and more – THRIVE with a digital course because it allows them to scale their services without working 70-hour weeks.

→ But you don’t have to be a 1-1 service provider to make a living with a single digital course.

Reader, you don’t even have to have your own business to start earning income from a single digital course.

🥫 Stay at home moms have created courses about time management, food prep, at-home emergency preparation, and more.

🎨 Artists have created courses about watercolor, pottery throwing, cross stitching, and more.

🧘 Lawyers have left corner offices to teach digital courses about mindfulness.

🥋 Architects have left their tables to teach digital courses about tai chi.

Reader, this is the part of the email where I remind you that, whatever you put your mind to, you can accomplish.

That you don’t have to follow the pre-prescribed path you’ve been following, or the one life has taken you down.

And that you can earn a really good living for yourself out of the passions of your heart.

Now seems as good a pivot point as any, don’t you think?

So join Amy Porterfield and I inside the Course Confident Bootcamp (before the doors close on September 12th!) as a really safe, low-risk, well-supported place to explore the dreams in your heart.

Take it from first-hand experience… it’s pretty magical. 😉

See you in the bootcamp!


Remember all those lead magnets you poured your heart into over the years? The ones now sitting in digital limbo on your hard drive? It's time to dust 'em off and turn that goldmine of content into cold, hard cash.

Reader, Just think about it - those freebies could be your ticket to:

  • Increasing the average order value in a funnel
  • Adding extra "oomph" to your course offerings
  • Beefing up your membership perks

And the best part? It's easier than you might think.

Let me break it down for you:

  • Take inventory: 🏴‍☠️ Raid your files for those PDFs, checklists, and guides you've created over time. You might be surprised by what you find - I discovered 32 potential products during my own audit!
  • Select your top performers: 🏆 Choose 2 or 3 of your most effective lead magnets. If they align with your paid courses, even better.
  • Give them an upgrade: Get creative with reformatting. Consider turning a PDF into a video series, developing a podcast, or creating an interactive workbook. The goal is to add fresh value.
  • Set your pricing strategy: 💰 Consider a lower entry point to attract initial buyers. You could incorporate these into your existing sales funnel as an order bump or upsell, or market them directly to your email list.

Remember, this isn't about creating from scratch—it's about optimizing and monetizing your existing intellectual property.

Ready to take this strategy to the next level? In our upcoming Digital Product Growth Lab coaching program, we'll dive deep into advanced techniques for creating a scalable digital product ecosystem from your existing (and new) content.

Spots are limited, so don't wait to secure your place! Get on the waitlist here.


Ready to boost your authority, provide more value, and simplify your content creation process all at once?

I've got just the template for you, and it's been proven effective across niches.

It goes like this...

🤔 [Topic or Question]

My experience: [Short description of what makes you credible on this topic]

Recommendation: [What do you want to encourage people to do?]

Reason 1: [Your reason in one sentence or more.]

Reason 2: [Your reason in one sentence or more.]

Reason 3: [Your reason in one sentence or more.]

Let's look at how this format works across different niches:

Example #1: For Fitness Coaches:

🤔 Why bodyweight exercises should be part of every fitness routine

My experience: I've been a certified personal trainer for 8 years, specializing in home and travel-friendly workout programs.

Recommendation: Incorporate bodyweight exercises into your routine at least 2-3 times a week.

Reason 1: Accessibility - No equipment needed means you can work out anywhere, anytime.

Reason 2: Functional strength - Bodyweight exercises mimic real-life movements, improving your overall functional fitness.

Reason 3: Scalability - These exercises can be easily modified to suit any fitness level, from beginner to advanced.

Example #2: For Food Bloggers:

🤔 Why you should start meal prepping

My experience: I've been creating and sharing healthy recipes for over 5 years, with a focus on practical, time-saving techniques.

Recommendation: Dedicate 2-3 hours each weekend to meal prepping for the week ahead.

Reason 1: Time-saving - You'll spend less time cooking during busy weekdays, reducing stress and the temptation to order takeout.

Reason 2: Healthier choices - By planning ahead, you're more likely to stick to nutritious meals and portion sizes.

Reason 3: Cost-effective - Buying ingredients in bulk and reducing food waste can significantly cut your grocery bills.

Example #3: From Your Truly!

🤔 Why digital products can be an awesome revenue stream

My experience: I've sold thousands of digital products over the years, generating multiple six-figure revenues and helping numerous clients do the same.

Recommendation: Start incorporating digital products into your business model, even if you're primarily service-based.

Reason 1: Scalability - Once created, digital products can be sold unlimited times without additional production costs, allowing for exponential growth.

Reason 2: Passive Income - Digital products continue to generate revenue long after the initial creation, providing income stability and freeing up your time.

Reason 3: Low Overhead - With minimal storage, shipping, or inventory costs, digital products offer higher profit margins compared to physical goods.

This super simple template allows you to showcase your expertise, provide valuable insights, and engage your audience, no matter what niche you're in.

Try adapting it to your own area of expertise and use this template for social media content and more!

Phew! That was a lot of value packed into one email, wasn't it? Let's do a quick recap:

  1. Listen to the podcast to master the 80/20 rule
  2. Dust off those old lead magnets and turn them into profit-pulling products
  3. Try out the versatile content template
  4. Consider joining Amy Porterfield's Course Confident Bootcamp

Now, I've got a challenge for you: Pick ONE thing from this email and implement it this week. Then, hit reply and let me know how it goes. I read and respond to every email.

Until next time, keep creating, keep growing, and remember – your digital product empire is just waiting to be built!

Talk soon!


P.S. If you found value in this email, why not share it with a friend? They'll thank you, I'll thank you.

Share with friends, get cool stuff!

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Dr. Destini Copp

Business Growth Coach for Digital Product Entrepreneurs

Interested in working with me in my Digital Product Accelerator 1:1 coaching program? I'd love to meet you!

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Creator's MBA Newsletter

Hi, there, I'm Dr. Destini Copp! I'm passionate about helping business owners like you generate consistent revenue from your digital product business without the need to be glued to your desk, constantly live launching, or worrying about social media algorithms.

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