
Business Growth Coach for Digital Product Entrepreneurs

Sharing actionable marketing advice to grow an online digital product business with ~10,000 readers every week

Hi, there, I'm Destini! I'm passionate about helping business owners like you generate consistent revenue from your digital product business without the need to be glued to your desk, constantly live launching, or worrying about social media algorithms.

Why now is the perfect time...

Destini Copp Sharing actionable marketing advice to grow an online digital product business with over 10,000 readers every week Hey Reader, Do you remember the song Summertime by DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince (aka Will Smith). ☀️ In my podcast episode today, I'm diving into why NOW is the perfect time to take your digital product business to the next level. Summertime is right around the corner and it's not the time to take your foot off the gas! Listen in here on my Website, Apple...

Does your website do this?

Destini Copp Sharing actionable marketing advice to grow an online digital product business with ~10,500 readers every week Hey Reader, Have you ever had website envy? You land on a page, start scrolling, and every word seems perfectly crafted. 😙 👌 The messaging is so clear, so compelling, that it feels like it's speaking directly to you. Your cursor hovers over the ‘Work With Me’ link, and you were only there for a bit of browsing. 🤷 You asked yourself, what’s the magic behind it? That’s the...

Boring, but super helpful

Hey Reader, This weekend, I'm spending my time at the baseball fields as travel baseball season is in full swing. I'd love to know what you're doing to relax today. Here's a picture of my 15-year old baseball player (he thinks it's cool not to smile in pictures!). I've found some really great freebies and events that could be just what you need to give your business a little boost. These are perfect for stepping up your game without dropping a dime (FYI - these are affiliate links). You'll...

I hope this make it easier

Destini Copp Sharing actionable marketing advice to grow an online digital product business with ~10,000 readers every week Hey Reader, One thing you should know about me—I believe wholeheartedly that business should be simple. No to overcomplicating things. No to endless hours at your desk. No to following marketing trends that just don't fit your style. ✅ Yes to crafting a business that truly aligns with YOU. One that offers balanced workdays, prioritizes family time, and leaves space for...

Reclaim your time with my minimalist business model

Destini Copp Sharing actionable marketing advice to grow an online digital product business with ~10,000 readers every week Hey Reader, Are you tired of feeling chained to your desk, constantly live launching, or worrying about the social media algorithms? In this episode, I share my proven framework for building an online business that generates consistent revenue from digital products without sacrificing your freedom. It's what I call my minimalist business model that doesn't require a...

You won't believe how easy selling can be with this...

Destini Copp Your weekly dose of marketing advice to help you grow your online digital product business PODCAST SHOP WEBSITE WORK WITH ME Reader, Ever felt like you're constantly chasing the next sale, glued to your screen or crafting yet another social media post? What if I told you there's an easier, smarter way to attract your ideal customer—without the non-stop hustle? In my latest podcast episode, I'm diving deep into the game-changing world of automated sales funnels. Imagine having a...

Unique Monetization Strategies You Probably Haven't Tried Yet

Destini Copp Your weekly dose of marketing advice to help you grow your online digital product business PODCAST SHOP WEBSITE WORK WITH ME Hey Reader, Want to learn how to sell your digital products on Pinterest, even if you don't have a Shopify store? A focus on Pinterest is one of my goals in 2024 because of the organic traffic that it drives into my business. When I saw a video that Kate Ahl from Simple Pin Media had on YouTube about "How to Sell Digital Products on Pinterest", I knew I had...

Behind the Scenes: How I Turned a Domain into $100K

Destini Copp Your weekly dose of marketing advice to help you grow your online digital product business PODCAST SHOP WEBSITE WORK WITH ME Hey Reader, It was Spring break and I was sitting at the breakfast table of our Watercolor, FL beach rental, coffee in my hand, early in the morning before anyone else had gotten up. I was browsing on a business name generator website called Namelix. This was way before ChatGPT or any of the other AI generators had gotten popular. I didn't really have a...

Don't believe the hype

Destini Copp Your weekly dose of marketing advice to help you grow your online digital product business PODCAST SHOP WEBSITE WORK WITH ME Hey Reader, I've got a question for you. When you hear the term "passive income" or the promise of "making money while you sleep," what does that mean to you? Many folks take these phrases at face value or buy into the hype without fully understanding what it requires. They dive into creating digital products like online courses, expecting effortless...

Canva Clutter No More: Your Roadmap to Organization

Destini Copp Your weekly dose of marketing advice to help you grow your online digital product business PODCAST SHOP WEBSITE WORK WITH ME This email contains affiliate links, meaning if you clickthrough and make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no cost to you. Hey Reader! Is your Canva account a hot mess? You're not alone! In our latest episode of the Creator's MBA Podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Brenda Cadman, a seasoned Canva guru. Brenda shares invaluable insights on...
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